What is the Sitefinity Minute?

what is the sitefinity minute - video player
Written By Jake Picken


In this video, we introduce the Sitefinity Minute, a new series of short videos that discuss various Sitefinity topics with tips and tricks to help companies get the most out of their website. 


Video Transcript

The Sitefinity Minute is a video series created by Smooth Fusion to help your company get the most out of Sitefinity.   

Sitefinity is packed with features and capabilities that make it one of the most powerful web platforms on the market, making it perfect to serve as the core of your digital experience platform.

There is so much you can do with Sitefinity, and although it is one of the easiest content management systems to use, companies can get so much more out of their investment if they have a better understanding of Sitefinity’s capabilities. 

In the Sitefinity Minute, we will answer the most common questions we get as a Sitefinity Partner, provide helpful tips and tricks to improve your Sitefinity website, and share insights that are relevant to you as a Sitefinity user. 

So, here’s what you can expect. Every week we will post a new video. This video will be a minute or two long and will cover a topic that relates to Sitefinity. It can be as generic as how to create a page in Sitefinity or as specific as to how to deliver a personalized message to a certain target audience. 

If you want to get notified when a video is released, then you can sign up to receive an email from us once a week or you can subscribe to our YouTube Channel. And if you like the Sitefinity Minute, make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter, the Sitefinity Satellite. It comes out a few times per year and is packed with great information and resources for taking Sitefinity to the next level. 

One last important thing, we want to hear from you. If you have a suggestion for a Sitefinity Minute video then you can email us, send us a message on social media, comment on a video, or however else you like to communicate, you get the picture.  

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy learning more about Sitefinity. 




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