Sitefinity DX 14.1: New Features and Capabilities

sitefinity dx 14.1 - new features and capabilities
Written By Jake Picken

In this Sitefinity Minute video, we discuss the new features and capabilities that were announced in Sitefinity DX 14.1


In this Sitefinity Minute, we are going to cover the release of Sitefinity DX 14.1. 


New .NET Core Renderer and Page Building Experience

Now, we’ll start with what we feel is the most exciting feature in this new release: it’s the .NET Core Renderer and the new page building experience. 

The BETA was first released in 14.0, but 14.1 marks the official release of the new renderer and in this release, the new form builder in the .NET Core renderer made its debut. 

Other capabilities released were a full set of login and registration widgets, customizable widget designers, and page and widget-based personalization. 


Integrate Sitefinity with Cloudinary or Frontify

The next feature we are going to talk about is some new DAM or digital asset management integrations. 

Now in 14.1, Progress announce that Sitefinity would integrate with Cloudinary and Frontify. 


Bootstrap 5 Resource Package

Next, in the version 14.1 release, it was announced that Bootstrap 5 Resource package was now available out of the box. 

Now this just means that resource packages were upgraded to take advantage of Bootstrap’s latest and great capabilities. 

(This upgrade to Bootstrap 5 means both frontend developers and content editors, giving them both a more modern toolset for more custom styling options and the ability to extend Bootstraps utility classes.) 


Sitefinity Now Integrates with Azure Cognitive Search

Another integration that was announced in 14.1 was the integration with Azure Cognitive Search. Azure Cognitive Search is an AI cloud-based search service that gives websites some of the most advanced site search capabilities. It understands user intent behind a search by using deep learning models. 


Get Dashboard Notifications in Sitefinity When Someone Fills Out a Form or with Workflow Assignment

Another feature that was announced in this release was dashboard notifications. So, when you log in to your Sitefinity Dashboard you are going to receive a notification when someone fills out a form or when you are assigned to a workflow. 


New Capabilities for Sitefinity Insight

Additionally, new capabilities were announced for Sitefinity Insight including AI-Driven Audience Segmentation, conversion-based personalization, Nativechat interaction tracking. And Progress also released a design system for Sitefinity components. 


Upgrade to Sitefinity DX 14.1

Now, If you are ready to upgrade your website to Sitefinity DX 14.1 to take advantage of all these great new features then reach out to us today. 

To find all the information on this release, go to the official release notes on 

And that’s the Sitefinity Minute.

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